Given the advance of vaccination against covid-19 in Panama, we cannot let our guard down and even less so with risk factors such as hypertension. In this article we will explain the relationship between covid-19 and hypertension, regional figures and recommendations so that high blood pressure does not become a risk factor in patients with covid-19.
According to figures generated by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), between 20% and 40% of the adult population in Latin America suffer from hypertension, which means around 250 million people.
Affected Population
In most cases, hypertension can be had for years without even knowing it, since it does not present symptoms. According to the Honorary Commission for Cardiovascular Health (CHSC), only between 10% and 20% of people with high blood pressure experience symptoms, so a significant percentage of people with hypertension in Latin America and the world are unaware of having it. Another aspect to consider is that of that percentage of people who know they have the disease, only 50% perform adequate treatment to control it.
COVID-19 and Hypertension
Now, there is a clear relationship between covid-19 and hypertension, in which people with chronic diseases such as hypertension are more likely to develop complications if they are diagnosed with covid-19.
A study presented in the journal hypertension indicates that in circumstances in which you have covid-19 and hypertension at the same time, one of the recommended measures is to continue with the treatment for hypertension, provided by your doctor, in order to maintain it. controlled. Those who have untreated high blood pressure may be at greater risk of complications related to Covid-19 compared to those who control their high blood pressure with medications.
It is recommended that patients continue with their previously prescribed medications and if they experience breathing difficulties visit their nearest health center.
Have on hand the contact information for both the private doctor, the nearest health center and the ambulance.
Take blood pressure every day.
Reduce salt intake in your diet and exercise daily.
Eat heart-healthy foods (DASH diet)
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