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Cerebral infarctions or strokes are also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). These occur when there is a lack of blood supply to the brain. In other words, it is when blood does not reach the necessary tissues, in this case the brain, to nourish them.

Committed to excellence and offering our patients the latest trends in medical procedures, we share with you a testimonial about the Incisional Ventral Hernia repair surgery by the Albanese Technique, performed for the first time in Panama, by the prominent surgeons Dr. Rafael Reyes Richa, from Clínica Hospital San Fernando and Dr. Carlos Alberto Cano from Argentina. We are pleased to be able to provide our patients with the best options in surgical procedures, hand in hand with our specialists, to achieve not only healing but optimal recovery.

Our commitment is to continue providing you with quality service. For this reason, we are the first private hospital center to acquire the Cobas Roche 5800 equipment, which allows us to use NAT technology for screening blood donors, thus reducing the risk of transmission of infectious agents. This is for YOU, because we want to make blood donation services safer for everyone.


As a socially responsible company, we have donated a LOGIC E9 ULTRASOUND EQUIPMENT to the University of Santander, which will be used as a training tool for students of the Lic. in Radiology and Imaging and other technical health careers, with this contribution we reinforce our commitment to Panamanian education and the sustainable development goals agenda 2030.



August 16, 20230

Even in the midst of a pandemic, we cannot forget that there are other infectious diseases that can afflict us. In this rainy season, the circulation of seasonal viruses such as influenza or the presentation of cases of Dengue fever transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito is common.


Given the advance of vaccination against covid-19 in Panama, we cannot let our guard down and even less so with risk factors such as hypertension. In this article we will explain the relationship between covid-19 and hypertension, regional figures and recommendations so that high blood pressure does not become a risk factor in patients with covid-19.